Noahs Ark and Your Body

Ole Ersoy
2 min readSep 1, 2024


Any time you “Overflow” your body there are consequences. At first they seem short lived. For example when you are a child and you have too much candy, there’s a little bit of a candy hangover and then it “Seems” to go away.

As far as your body is concerned this was a mild tropical storm.

However in our day and age there are now many children who can no longer sleep at night.

And so given the reality that we are a “Constant” flow of energy and “Physical Material” it’s a good idea to be very careful with how and what we provide to our organism / body ( Not to mention how we treat our extended body / the planet / because it’s all one process).

And as we’ve noted we have come up with all sorts of “Temporary” solutions to miss treating our bodies, and we tend to rely on these until they no longer work. Now this should be carefully considered, because in relying on these “Quickfixes” most of the time we are covering up a very important communication that our bodies / body is / are sending us.

Now in recent history we did not really have to be concerned about this, because luxury and excess was uncommon. For those whom it was common for, like kings or royalty, well they usually developed “Symptoms”.

However these days it’s very easy to come by. And as we all know if we over water a tomato plant it dies.

First, the maintenance of the whole. The body of man is a perfect machine. I know my circuit and what is good for it. Food that almost all people eat, to me is harmful and dangerous.

— Nikola Tesla

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