Fixing My Tight Back

Ole Ersoy
2 min readAug 2, 2024


So I know why it is tight now. And the reason is documented here.

So the first thing is I have to be very very careful with the amount of calcium that I’m getting, especially when it comes to dairy. And also certain supplements. For example I decided to try a Collagen supplment made from hydrolized beef bones, and I have a feeling calcium leaks into the mix from the bones, because that also made my back very tight.

But beyond that I’ve noticed that my lower back is the first thing to tighten up, and I wondered why that is?

And conceptually I figure my lower back is a little bit like the deepest part of the ocean. And as things swirl around eventually as I sleep at night and I’m more “Stagnant” calcium collects there. And this is what causes that part of my body to be much tighter than the rest of it.

So how do I fix it? Well what I started doing is also exercising my back more. In order to get blood flowing through the lower back muscles. They have been so tight my whole life that in a sense they have been very much underused, and it seems to me that the trick is to use them more once I get them loosened up properly and this is working.

I’m a big fan of “Good Mornings”, or squats with hands behind the head.

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