I have been doing an experiment on myself to see what adding more sea salt to my body along with Topical Iodine to my skin will do.
And I have been adding quite a bit of both. I don’t necessarily recommend doing this to others, because it’s a good idea to always proceed gradually and cautiously with these types of things.
Why do I suspect that the outcome will be good. Well there are two things that the ocean is rich in. Iodine and salt. And from what we can tell all the animals are in pristine health. No pharmaceuticals, no health insurance, no doctors, just a very healthy environment for all sea life to flourish in.
They also get plenty of sun light to help them manufacture life essential components like Vitamin D.
And to make it more relatable if we look at island nations like Japan they have one of the lowest cancer rates in the world, they are highly intelligent and creative, and they skipped Covid. And Japanese people are packed together like Sardines on their public transportation systems, so if they did not have a very good natural source of defense it should have spread like wildfire there. They never shut down and when the United States hit 1.2 million deaths Japan had something like 30K, which is essentially the same death rate as before Covid even came around, so no change.
Some people use salt to naturally cleanse the gut, and of course the gut is our “Root System” so the healthier it is the better off we are.
The inverse of that is also true. The gut is directly connected to the brain, so when the gut is unhealthy we see it in all sorts of “Symptomatic” ways, such as poor sleep, anxiousness, and degeneration, and so on.
The Experiment
The way I do it is I apply a generous amount of Topical Iodine ( The kind used for cuts and infections ) to my feet and upper legs (This way I don’t walk around looking like an Orangutang), and this way the body can just decide how much of it it wants. I also have been gradually increasing my sea salt intake (Yesterday I had 3–4 table spoons) in total, (I worked my way gradually up to this, but I’m going to go back to my normal levels once I’m done with this experiment).
After two weeks of doing this I noticed my eyes have gotten significantly sharper. I have a feeling I will probably not need glasses soon, as at this point it may simply be a matter of my brain adjusting to the change and learning to refocus my eyes properly.
There are other benefits to, such as increased focus level. It’s hard to describe the effect exactly, and something like this is perhaps over stating it slightly, but it’s close.
And as you heal you will notice it in your perception of your environment and also your “Environment” may feel more “In tune” with the way your energy is projecting.
One thing to note is that when you / your energy / you heal your body, you feel it. Your energy is doing mini surgeries on your body. A good metaphor for this is feeling your bones grow. You may recall asking your mom why your bones hurt and she told you “It’s because you are growing”. Well similarly healing can hurt as your body is making changes to your physiology. Some people will mask this pain with pain killers. Personally I don’t because I want to be able to identify what these signals are telling me.
Depending of the type of pain I may drink virgin olive oil (A Natural Pain Killer) or fish oil, which will thin my blood a bit and this can reduce certain pain symptoms and be good for my body at the same time.
Another thing that I think also helps this process is that I take a shot of apple cider vinegar every night before bed right after my only meal of the day, and I think this helps with keep my intestines “Clean” (Vinegar is a very good cleaner in general) and in controlling the blood sugar spike that can occur after a meal, and this in turns speed my workout recovery, etc.
There are certain things that the body has to get from the outside environment. Vitamin D we can either get from supplementation or it has to be manufactured when the body is exposed to sunlight. My body gets a lot of sunlight, and yet according to my blood tests (And my experiments) I still need more Vitamin D in general. The same is true for Iodine. And I think medical science does not have a good understanding of how critical Iodine is to good health and what the right levels are.
So before I started this experiment I was already happy with my overall health for which I take:
- B Complex
- Magnesium Citrate (Natural Calm Brand)
- Vitamin D
- Lugols Iodine 2%
In this experiment I increased my salt intake and applied Topical Iodine to my skin and within a few weeks I was pleasantly surprised by how much better my eyes got. My health has been improving remarkably through attention to my gut health ( Allergies gone, hearing sharper, smell sharper, etc.) and the salt and iodine seemed to amplify this healing even more.
I plan on continuing to use more salt and will apply iodine to my skin nightly allowing my body to take what it wants.
I also find that if I forget any one of the ingredients listed, it can throw my energy, focus, and overall feeling of being healthy and balanced in little subtle ways.
Lastly I recently discovered that Black Cumin Seeds are really good for my body. Almost too good. I took a table spoon of it initially, thinking that it would be like eating Chia seeds or something, and it’s a LOT more powerful. It started fixing all sorts of things aggressively in my back, joints, everywhere essentially, so I only take a pinch of raw black cumin seeds every morning now.
Note that it is also a natural blood thinner / anti coagulent, so definitely be careful with the quantity. For me it feels like the more of it I take, the more deeply it can penetrate into nerves, tendons, muscles, etc. But be careful. When I take too much, my focus also dips, as I’m sure with the thinning of my blood, my blood pressure also drops.