Creating Typescript Starter Project with Jest and Typedoc

Ole Ersoy
2 min readNov 11, 2021



For our prototyping work we want a Typescript starter project preconfigured with Jest, Typedoc, and NPM Workflow Scripts.

Cloning it like this creates the project <project_name>:

git clone <project_name>

This is the final repository in case you want to get right to it:


First create a new Node project:

mkdir typescript-starter
cd typescript-starter
npm init -y

This initializes package.json for us.

NPM Workflow Scripts

The below install-devdeps will install the latest development dependencies needed:

"install-devdeps": "npm i -D typescript typedoc ts-node ts-jest source-map-support @types/node jest @types/jest"

The types/node package from provides access to types for the node APIs like file , process and so on.

The script install-tools install the latest development workflow packages:

"install-tools": "npm i -g del-cli npm-install-peers npm-check-updates @jsdevtools/version-bump-prompt http-server"

The script update will update the dependency versions and install them and the newer versions of peer dependencies:

"update": "ncu -u && npm i && npm-install-peers"

The pub script bumps the patch version and publishes the project to NPM:

"pub": "npm t && bump patch && npm run update && npm run build && npm publish"

The test script runs Jest:

"test": "jest"

The build script runs the build:

"build": "del-cli dist && tsc"

The doc script runs Typedoc:

"doc": "del-cli doc && typedoc --entryPointStrategy expand ./src/ --out doc --exclude **/*.spec.ts"

And the sdoc script runs Typedoc and serves up the results:

"sdoc": "npm run doc && http-server -o doc"

Typescript files are written to the doc directory.

Jest Configuration

We will be using this Jest configuration (jest.config.js):

Typescript Configuration

Our Typescript configuration is as follows:

Commit to Github

Create the Github repository fireflysemantics/typescript-starter .

Then add, commit, and push the files.

git add .
git commit -m "First Commit"
git remote add origin
git push --set-upstream origin master

Test Project Creation

We can now tryout the instructions for the project:

git clone <project_name>cd <project_name>npm run install-allnpm test



Ole Ersoy
Ole Ersoy

Written by Ole Ersoy

Founder of Firefly Semantics Corporation

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