Creating an Angular Application with Route Prerendering

Ole Ersoy
2 min readDec 11, 2023


Image by Sabine from Pixabay


We want to prerender the routes / and /product:id .


Create a new Angular 17 (It has built in prerendering) application.

ng new --ssr ssr --style=scss && cd ssr

If you already have an Angular 17 app, add prerendering with ng add @angular/ssr .

Run the build with ng build . It will log.

Prerendered 1 static route.

And we look at dist/prerendered-routes.json we can see that it prerendered / .

Lets add the route product/:id . First generate the product component.

ng g c Product 

Within the ProductComponent grab the product/:id parameter.

export class ProductComponent {
private activatedRoute = inject(ActivatedRoute);
public id:string = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.params['id'];

Update the template so that it includes the id .

<p>product works!  Especially for the route {{id}}</p>

Then add the route in app.routes .

export const routes: Routes = [
{path: 'product/:id', component: ProductComponent}

Run the application ng serve -o and try out the path product/test . We should see that it renders the path.

Run ng build again. We see that it now prerenders 0 routes, but we are going to fix that.

Add the file routes.txt to the root of the project.


And update the prerender:true option within angular.json to.

"prerender": {
"routesFile": "routes.txt"

Run ng build again. We now see the message.

Prerendered 3 static routes.

And if we look in dist/prerendered-routes.json .

"routes": [

Voila! There are the routes being prerendered.


Clone this github repository.



Ole Ersoy
Ole Ersoy

Written by Ole Ersoy

Founder of Firefly Semantics Corporation

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