Creating a REST API for Fetching Blog Posts with Express and SQLite

Ole Ersoy
1 min readNov 20, 2020


Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay


We need an Express REST API for retrieving these two blog posts that we will store in an SQLite Database.

   blog1 = {
id: 1
title: "The First of Many Blogs",
content: "Welcome to my awesome blog. Prepared to be amazed."
blog2 = {
title: "The Second of Many Blogs",
content: "Amazed yet?"


Project Setup

Create the project directory and initialize the project.

mkdir sqlite-express
cd sqlite-express
npm init -y

Open the project in VSCode.

code .


npm install express sqlite3 cors


Create the file database.js in the root project directory ( sqlite-express ) with the following content:


Create the file index.js in the root project directory ( sqlite-express ) with the following content:


Start the server by running node index.js .

Visit http://localhost:8000/api/blogs

The browser should render the blog posts:

{"message":"success","data":[{"id":1,"title":"The First of Many Blogs","content":"Welcome to my awesome blog.  Prepared to be amazed."},{"id":2,"title":"The Second of Many Blogs","content":"Amazed yet?"}]}

Try https://localhost:8000/api/blogs/1 .

You should see:

{"message":"success","data":{"id":1,"title":"The First of Many Blogs","content":"Welcome to my awesome blog.  Prepared to be amazed."}}

