Changing the Angular Material Theme Background Color

Ole Ersoy
2 min readAug 23, 2022


Image by webstrategics0 from Pixabay


We have created a new Angular Material Light Theme and we wish to change the background color theme property to red.


In order to fully demo this first lets define a theme.

@use 'sass:map';$primary-palette: mat.define-palette(mat.$indigo-palette);
$accent-palette: mat.define-palette(mat.$cyan-palette);
$warn-palette: mat.define-palette(mat.$orange-palette);
$theme: mat.define-light-theme((
color: (
primary: $primary-palette,
accent: $primary-palette,
warn: $primary-palette,

Then we will grab the background map from the theme.

$background: map.get($theme, background);

And log the background color just to see what it is currently set to.

$background-color: map-get($background, background);@debug $background-color;// #fafafa

Lets change it to red. We will merge a new background value into the background map.

$background: map.merge(
background: red,

We then use Firefly Semantics Sass Logger to log the new map.

@debug logger.pretty-map($background);

We can see that the background has been changed to red.

status-bar: #e0e0e0,
app-bar: #f5f5f5,
background: red,
hover: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04),
card: white,
dialog: white,
disabled-button: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12),
raised-button: white,
focused-button: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12),
selected-button: #e0e0e0,
selected-disabled-button: #bdbdbd,
disabled-button-toggle: #eeeeee,
unselected-chip: #e0e0e0,
disabled-list-option: #eeeeee,
tooltip: #616161,

We then merge this map back into the theme.

$theme: map.merge($theme, $background);

Now if we pretty print the entire theme we see that the background map contains the red background (Scroll to the end).




Ole Ersoy
Ole Ersoy

Written by Ole Ersoy

Founder of Firefly Semantics Corporation

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